Wednesday 6 August 2014

Choose the distractions that support you - Outside the Class

Distractions are all around us, choose the ones that will support you

Any time spent not working on your goals in my opinion is time you’ve spent distracted. Now there’s a difference between a healthy distraction and wasted time. An hour spent with a good friend is much better spent than an hour playing flappy bird. You have to find balance between work and play, but what play will help your work? Going on a date at a restaurant and going out for lunch with your business friends will be two very different experiences.

So when I advocate to you that you should sign up for My Career City and go work for a startup you may respond by saying you don’t have enough time or you have too much things on your plate. Those are valid responses although I’m not forcing the idea upon you I’m simply inviting to open your mind to the opportunity and check it out.

Take a moment to look at everything you’re doing and ask the question: What benefit does this give me? Give an honest answer. Look into the hours you spend every week and ask that simple question. The truth that will become very present to you is that there is a disproportion between what you’re doing and what benefits are coming into your life. Distractions are all around us, choose the ones that will support you.

If you want to do more than your peers...

If you want to be more than your peers

If you want to meet people your peers will never meet

If you want to accomplish was your peers never will

Then check out My Career City. The experts on staff help students and recent graduates find jobs in the fast-paced and rewarding world of start-up companies. Join today and see the great job opportunities they have available for someone just like you!

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My Career CityWhat a Professor won't tell you

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