Tuesday 1 July 2014

Success or failure is in your hands - Outside the Class

If you consider that you are the determinant to your success, isn't it motivating to know that success or failure is in your hands?

There are only two constants to life.. change and yourself. Constant change in this situation means that irrelevant of geographic location, 'position' is never a constant. Our 'position' in relation to our goals or fears is always changing as a factor of time, resources etc. Want proof? Your friends, your financial position, your partner, your education or even your goals and fears have changed in some way over the last year, month or even week! Thus we cannot look for certainty in our environment, we must look for it within ourselves.

You can tell me what you want and you know what is required to achieve your goal. However, I ask you this: Your confidence, does it stem from your environment or from within? Do you believe you can achieve your goals because of what you have or will it be because of who you are? If you are the only constant in your life, then I ask you: are you making the necessary investment in yourself to be able to thrive in what ever environment you find yourself in? Is your character right? Are you motivated by the right things? Are your goals in-line with your principles? And do you even have core principles from which you go out into the world?

Begin searching inside yourself. Understand what you can bring to the table and where you need to improve.

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My Career CityWhat a Professor won't tell you

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